Monday, June 02, 2008

Senior Sargeant Superbonus' Answer to Gangland Violence

This one really is a no brainer and I'm surprised, no shocked, that the police forces of the nation haven't figured it out.

Cast your mind back a few years when the gangs of Moran and Williams were going head to head murdering each other tit for tat. The police were actually trying to stop them?!

The solution?

Do nothing.

Do nothing until there is only one bad dude left and then either arrest him or shoot him. Bingo! Problem solved.

Next case please.


  1. Tsk tsk your talent is being wasted in the I.T world.

    Or we could probably employ Sargeant Mothership and Constable Senior Hillbilly to 'shoot em in the kneecaps'

  2. p.s I could kiss you for not having that stupid word verification thing too.

    Your my new hero.
