Friday, May 07, 2010

Good Web Comics

While I'm in a posting frenzy I thought I might list a couple of web comics that I read on a regular basis:
  1. Oglaf, very naughty but very funny.
  2. Cyanide and Happiness, disturbing and gory but funny!
  3. xkcd, simple stick figures but quite clever.
  4. Dilbert, still funny office humour.
  5. Hijinks Ensue, about a couple of dudes. Foul language guaranteed.
There's a few more but that'll do for now.

Sporting Teams Are Filled With Mercenaries.

I was all fired up to write a thoughtful piece on how I can't understand how people can get so emotional about sporting teams considering that there are almost never any players in them who actually lived/grew up/played junior sport there, but then I saw some white guys doing the Haka in the Australia vs New Zealand rugby league test match and pissed myself laughing! Not quite as intimidating as they think they are :)