Sunday, May 04, 2008

Things That Shit Me...

In no particular order:

  • Smokers - Do they realise how much they stink? It's a sickening stench that seems to be able to travel enormous distances to annoy us non smokers. I can't understand how anyone could smoke knowing what it is doing to their bodies. Do they want to risk (with near certainty) leaving their kids earlier than they would otherwise? Having said that some of the people I love are smokers and I just wish they wouldn't. I'll miss them.
  • Other Drivers - Basically you all suck. None of you can do roundabouts correctly, you don't indicate until after you've changed lanes (if at all) and you don't seem to realise that one moment of inattention or stupidity can wipe out my whole family. Go ahead and roll your own car but don't take us with you.
  • Speed Cameras - Doing nothing to lower the road toll. Replace them with roving police cars and the roads would be much safer. But that would probably mean less revenue so it's never going to happen.
  • Proxy parents - People who can't resist giving unsolicited parenting advice that is almost always rubbish.
  • Fresh Canvassers - My kids who relish the opportunity to crap themselves five minutes after I have changed them.
  • Unions - Lowering the bar for everyone by failing to reward excellence and ignoring incompetence. Be good at your job - it's the best protection you can get.
  • Music Videos - As soon as the video clip became more important than the music the music had no chance. Beautiful people rule the scene so the quality musicians don't get the gigs. Video really did kill the radio star.
  • R & B music - Why oh why? Fuck me, it's so awful.
  • Cheerleaders - Just fucking pointless. Way to alienate 50% of your potential audience immediately. I'm no homo but can we just get to the sport?
  • Yapping Fucking Dogs - Dogs that bark pointlessly should have their voice boxes hacked out and their owners should be neutered. We are surrounded on 4 (used to be 5) sides by dogs that bark all day and a lot of the night. Don't have a dog if you live in suburbia - it's cruel and it's annoying to everyone around you.
If you fall into any of the categories above it doesn't mean that we can't be mates - it just means that you do something that shits me! I'm CERTAIN that I do some things that would shit you.

This is not an exhaustive list. There will be more...


  1. Absolutely with you on the cheerleaders, the R&B, the smokers and the music videos.

    For the yapping dogs comment, I'd probably move in with you. Which, in retrospect, could be an overreaction.

    Plus, pretty sure that Ren could take me in a fight. ;)

    Enjoyed what I've read of your blog so far. Clicked on a link from Mothership. You two may be as funny and insightful as each other. :)

  2. Welcome Melissa!

    I've never seen Ren fight but after witnessing her getting stuck into one of our neighbours when their dog woke our little kids for the second time last night, I'd probably back her to take out Gladiators this year. And next. Maybe we should just send her to Afghanistan to sort Osama out?

    I'm glad you like my Blog - I think you've just doubled my readership!

  3. Good List - what about drivers who are doing 90km then when you hit an overtaking lane they speed up to about 110km. Now that shits me to tears.

  4. You can move in Mel... You DO bake, don't you? :P

    Ellie, Ellie, Ellie... I cannot believe you just said that. That particular scenario atually brings him close to a coronary attack - seriously, he goes stark raving mad! You just know he's gonna do another list now, don't you? :O

    PS. He's LYING about the neighbour. Mellow is my middle name. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

  5. I do bake, Ren. Really well! Though, as my husband will testify, I make one hell of a mess!
