Monday, December 29, 2008

A Typical Conversation With My Son In The Morning...

Recently I got my son a new Wallace and Gromit episode called the Wrong Trousers which my son calls "The New Doggies" because it's not the same as the old one. Sounds logical.

Here is a transcript of a typical interchange between us each and every morning:

Watch the new doggies.
Watch the new doggies!
Watch the new doggies daddy.
Daddy watch the new doggies!
New doggies!
Watch the new doggies.

No buddy, daddy is watching the news.

I need to watch the new doggies daddy.
Can we watch the new doggies daddy?

Ok mate we'll watch the new doggies in a minute OK?

Watch the new doggies!

Silence for exactly one minute....

I watch the new doggies daddy.
Watch the new doggies, watch the new doggies.

Give me a second please mate.

Watch the new doggies daddy.
Daddy watch the new doggies.
New doggies.
New doggies!
New doggies!

I put the new doggies on.

I intend to use this tactic on my boss as soon as I return to work:
Give me a raise!
Boss, give me a raise.
I need to get a raise!


  1. Are you back at work yet?
    Are you?
    Are you?
    Did it work?
    Did you get the raise?
    Did you?
    Did you?
    Work? Raise?

    Love your blog. Very funny!

  2. You won't believe it but I DID get a raise!!!

    Ha ha! Thanks my little man for giving me the inspiration to ask. :)

  3. Pfft, next you'll be singing Oprah's praises along with quoting parts of 'the Secret'.

    Thanks to the Universe for your payrise... now can I have one too? Can I? Can I?
