Sunday, November 30, 2008

What We've All Learned From The Financial Crisis

I think the big lesson that we've all learned from this ginormous mess is that the financial industry is not actually run at all.

Clean cut men in expensive suits sit in big rooms and throw darts at special dart boards all day and in this way important financial decisions are made. We all know that this financial rubbish is basically random in nature so why pretend that it isn't?

The answer to that question is: multi million dollar pay packets. Very few of these people actually understand what is happening and almost none of them are as smart as they want you to think they are.

They are exceptionally good at telling you what happened AFTER the crucial event has taken place which is essentially fucking useless because they never seem to learn from them.

And yet it looks like none of these fiscal geniuses is going to be held accountable for the appalling losses incurred by the average person in the form of their super funds etc... They'll blame it on "unforeseen market forces" or "insufficient regulation within the industry" or some other intangible bullshit.

I only wish I had seen the light earlier and became one of these monkeys... :(

Judge Superbonus says "doc the pay of these chimps-in-suits for an entire year to teach them a lesson".

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